Banesco Panama welcomes its new Executive President

This past July 2nd, 2019, a simple but elegant welcoming event took place at Ciudad de Panama’s Bristol Hotel, where all of Banesco’s clients, friends and acquaintances were able to meet Mr. Alfonso Pietro, Banesco’s new Executive President and General Manager, replacing Carlos Alberto Escotet.
During his introductory speech as Banesco Panama’s new C.E.O., he said: “I take this position with a clear commitment to continue growing together. Banks contribute clearly to any country’s economy, but in Banesco’s case, we are set apart thanks to our commitment to also helping the people, as we firmly believe that clients are the main reason behind the bank’s existence.”
He also expressed his intentions to continue the work that Escotet started, which he considers is key when it comes to keeping the bank’s position. He also insisted that the work that has been done to place Banesco Panama in the seventh place when it comes to the country’s top banks will continue to be supported. Said success was only achieved thanks to Banesco Panama’s Board of Directors, presided by Miguel Ángel Marcano, a Business Administrator graduated from Venezuela’s Andrés Bello Catholic University.
Alfonso Pietro took his first steps into the banking sector with Banesco España, where he worked his way up from Commercial Manager to Zone Director from 1988 to 2005. Afterwards, he worked with ABANCA as Zone Director until 2007, when he became a Territorial Director, in charge of 4 Zones and 70 banks. Given his excellent performance in 2014, he was made Recovery Area Director, where he made a name for himself when it came to risk management.
As part of his work as new Executive President and General Manager, Pietro will look out for the bank’s sustainable growth and innovative transformation. He will also be put in charge of Banesco Panama’s new projects, including the incorporation of new tech that will allow for the optimization of processes in order to guarantee better services for its clients. He also commented on the importance of meeting the deadlines of the United Nations’ 2030 Agenda and its Sustainable Development Goals, continuing providing support in all sorts of areas, including entrepreneurship, culture, education and environmental care in Panama.

The night was filled with well-wishes for the new Executive President.

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