Banesco Banco Múltiple improves the tourism industry in the Domincan Republic

The Dominican Republic is considered one of the four tourist-magnet Latin American countries, being Punta Cana and Bávaro the best places to develop the tourist industry, this is the reason why Banesco Banco Múltiple recently performed a meeting with different persons that want to invest their money on the tourism industry. This event is part of a series of discussions about different topics that this financial entity has planned for this 2019.
Punta Cana and Bávaro are within the best 10 beaches around the world and they have the Blue Flag environmental certification, an attestation that certifies the best beaches in the world. Punta Cana is a place that attracts a lot of tourists with its clear and turquoise waters, besides its white sand, it looks like a scene out of a fairy tale, it has mangrove forests and a lot of coconut palm trees. On the other hand, Bávaro is a beach with quiet waters that has hotels, restaurants, malls and attractive locations for tourists.

This is the reason why Banesco Banco Múltiple is betting to improve the tourism industry in this region of the country.

“In Banesco, we are an integrated financial services organization dedicated to learning about our clients’ needs and cover them with confidence-founded relationships, quick access, and excellent service. Our goal is to be within the preferred banks by Dominicans, and being recognized for offering a quality service, advice, and long-term relationships with our clients”
So said María Clara Alviárez, Executive President in Banesco.
On the other hand, Gianni Landolfi, Vice-president of Corporate Banking and different Entity Companies, said:

“Banesco is strongly present in the value chain of the Tourism Industry, it has invested over 110 million Dollars at the corporate level, influencing small, medium and large companies supported by our international presence, making Banesco in the Dominican Republic a link for countless opportunities”.

Banesco Banco Múltiple is an organization established in Santo Domingo, The Dominican Republic that starts operating in April 2011 offering services for personal banking, corporations, small and medium companies. Currently, this financial entity has more than 21,395 million pesos in financial assets and more than 70,000 clients.
It belongs to Banesco International Group that has been functioning for over 30 years and it has more than 63,000 million dollars in financial assets, 6.9 million clients around the world, more than 12,000 collaborators and it is present in 16 countries in the American and European continents.

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