Banesco U.S.A. joins forces with Plug and Play innovation platform

In Banesco U.S.A. we have joined forces with the Plug and Play innovation platform in order to completely transform our digital presence. Plug and Play is an innovative, world-wide reaching digital platform that links young, potential-filled, growing businesses with the largest corporations in the world.
Since its creation in 2006, its digital programs have been put in use all over the world, now boasting of over 28 locations where these startups receive financial support in order to continue growing and reach the same success that Silicon Valley has.
Silicon Valley houses the largest corporations in the entire world, as well as thousands of small, growing businesses. While its name originally comes from the large number of silicon chip manufactures and innovators in the area, it now refers to all the high-tech companies that are located in the region. The term is currently used in reference to the U.S.A.’s high-tech sector.

Silicon Valley is the heart of computer technology, which includes the silicon chip, computer design, apps, Apple devices and smartphones. It boasts of over 6.000 new businesses and 250 business partners.
The Banesco U.S.A.-Plug and Play partnership will provide the bank with the chance to make use of all the opportunities this platform offers in order to research and analyze all the possibilities that may arise with other businesses to continue offering innovative solutions in the commercial and consumer markets, as well as customer service.

Due to the fact that Banesco U.S.A. is located in the south of Florida, and its proximity to Latin America, this partnership will also open doors for these new businesses to enter the LATAM market,” said Saeed Amidi, Plug and Play’s Executive Director.

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