Forum Panama 500: The First City of the Pacific

During the celebration of Panama City’s 500 years, on Tuesday, April 9th, the Forum Panama 500: The First City of the Pacific was organized by Grupo Prisa, the journal El Pais, Cadena Ser, and funded by Banesco Panama and other businesses.
 It was a space for debate and analysis for experts, entrepreneurs, and political figures about the historical origin, culture, and intelligent future of the city.
Our CEO, Carlos Eduardo Escotet, talked alongside Mercedes Eleta, President of APEDE; Marco Fernandez, national analyst of Global Source Partners Panama; and Linda Maguire, representative of the PNUD in Panama, in a round table called Panama, a country in sustainable development.
“We have to transform digital development in a facilitator of the physical world to generate more empathic businesses with people and their ideas filled with experience.” This was one of most remembered phrases of our CEO.
The President of Banesco International, Juan Carlos Escotet, also participated in the reunion. He recognized the economical achievements of the country in the last two decades, and how these have helped reduced social inequality.

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