Banesco refreshes its web page

Banesco is known for being a bank where the priority is the client. Our web page gets around 80,000 monthly visits; this motivated us to provide a better online service to benefit all our clients. Technology constantly advances each day. What is new today, is outdated tomorrow; therefore, we decided to improve our online platform.
Once the client enters our BanescOnline site on, he must confirm that http is on the bar; this indicates it’s a safe and reliable site. Then the client only needs to write his or her user and password to log into our platform. Moreover, the new look & feel is particularly noticeable in our Main Page.

As part of a human-center strategy implemented in every country where the bank is present, we have gotten in touch with our clients, resulting in the refreshment of the web site.
The look & feel refers to the looks of the site and the feeling it gives the user once he or she is interacting with it. Look is defined by the following elements of a web page: color, images, design, font options, and overall style. Feel describes the response and movement of the folded menus, buttons, shapes and galleries, sound effects, and how fast the pages and images load.

“For the design and building of the web page we work with the swift methodology. It is been implemented in our company and it allows us to put products and solutions in the market faster than usual. Also, we are able to be at the same pace with the market”, said Sofia Guzman, head of Marketing & Experience of Banesco.

Here at Banesco Banco Multiple we have worked relentlessly to offer our clients other innovations and digital alternatives in conjunction with Banesco International. 

“Innovation is one of our corporate values and the distinctive mark of our brand; for that reason, Banesco has promoted for years the use of e-channels to facilitate safe and quick financial transactions whenever and wherever. In this regard, the refreshment of the look in the attention points is meant to provide a pleasant experience to the clients and users”, stated Deinel Cardenas, Chief of Channels, Business Intelligence and Corporative Development.

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