Banesco Banco Multiple’s Assets grew by 11,15% in 2018

Banesco Banco Multiple shared the results of its business operations in the country in 2018, showing a total growth of its assets of about 11,15%, which represents RD $21.395 millions, RD $2.146 million more than 2017. The presentation took place during the integration and line-up activity of the bank personnel. Collaborators of every area participated.
The concept of the event was “We are Banesco” and included group dynamics.
“The favorable results of the bank add up to global figures of Banesco International Corporation, which are now over US $65.400 million in assets; in addition, net assets with a value of over US $5.791 million. This is evidence that the organization is on good track”, stated Maria Clara Alvarez, Executive President of Banesco Banco Multiple.
On this matter, the bank’s growth projections for 2019 are very positive at both national and international scale.

A 2018 full of achievements

The institution’s performance last year was marked by the growth of the net credit portfolio, estimated in more than 9,53% and established in RD $11.965 million. The raisings increased in more than 6,37%, for a total of RD $17.328 million.
“In addition, during the whole 2018, Banesco registered a growth of RD $866 million in credit and multi-credit portfolios, which represents a third of the total growth of said products”, explained Dimitri Maleev, Finances and Administration Vice-president, while he shared the positive results of the year during the activity with the collaborators. 
Another point highlighted in the presentation was the refreshed look of the bank implemented in all the agencies as well as the web site, along with the innovations such as customer service through WhatsApp.

Supporting SMB

With the purpose of continuing to support small and medium Dominican businesses, in 2018, Banesco presented the SMB Plan. This plan consists of a series of funding, credit lines, performing loans, and different financial solutions focused on the dynamism of this important sector.
Last year was marked by the signed of the funding and collaboration agreement with the financial institution DEG, from the German national bank, KFW. This agreement stipulated US $15 million to back the credits for the SMBs.


Cultural and Digital Transformation

Another important aspect promoted in the event was integration and the importance of teamwork to achieve important results. Moreover, an overview of Banesco’s plans for 2019 was included as well by Luis Medina, Human Resources VP. He also indicated how fundamental it is to work on the transformation processes with an emphasis in culture, this is an important element for the future of the organization, stated Medina referring to the importance of people in the process of change.
With regard of the digital transformation, Deiniel Cardenas, Head of Channels, Business Intelligence and Corporative Development, said that the bank will work on its digital transformation, looking forward to creating new experiences for its clients, while promoting innovation culture. This transformation will be defined by “the new business strategies opportunities showing up thanks to technologies.” This renovation is not only on the technological aspect, but also implies the redo of products, processes and strategies by using the technology”, Cardenas said.

About Banesco International

It is present in 16 countries in America and Europe, with a history of more than 30 years, more than US$65.400 million in assets and 6.9 million clients who will be assisted by almost 12.000 collaborators in 1.000 banks offices.

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